Ever since getting off “The Street,” a prestigious cable television series, Frank Cooper (Britt-Gibson) has been coasting through life distracting himself with women, booze and blow, while auditioning to play stereotypical gang members and drug dealers. But the minute he meets Mali Waters (Thomas), a sports agent living for the present, his whole world changes. Despite their own worst instincts, Mali and Frank are inescapably drawn to one another. As Mali is forced to face her own mortality, the clock begins to tick. The two must learn to rely on each other, choosing to love and live for the moment, even if that’s all they get.
Director: Nate Edwards
Writer: Darrell Britt-Gibson
Cast: Arsema Thomas, Darrell Britt-Gibson, Alexander Hodge, D’Arcy Carden, Edwin Lee Gibson, and Taissa Farmiga
Executive Producers: Jason Aidoo, Darrell Britt-Gibson
Producers: Sanjay M. Sharma, Milan Chakraborty, Hadley Klein, Pete Van Auker
Andscape is a Black content studio that explores the depth of Black identity through its power in sports and culture. Magnified by the power and reach of The Walt Disney Company, the Andscape umbrella includes daily journalism, film, television, book publishing and music.
Acclaimed Film Alexander Hodge Arsema Thomas Daniel Kaluuya Darrell Britt Gibson Film Premiere Hollywood Stars LA Premiere Movie Night Nate Edwards Red Carpet She Taught Love
Last modified: September 30, 2024